Saturday, August 6, 2011


So here it is, in all it's old-lady glory. The Before Pictures. Obviously, none of this stuff is mine (yuck) -- these are pics the realtor took when it was on the market. First, the lovely purple bedroom with smokey carpet. Underneath, I found beautiful hardwoods that will be refinished.

Up next, the awesome '70s basement, complete with faux wood paneling, which will be painted white. Eventually.

The bathroom. I'm pretty sure the former owner laid in the bathtub and smoked, because hoo boy was it nasty cleaning the ceiling in this one! But it's now sparkling clean. :)

This is the one I'm most excited about: the dining room. That ugly gold chandelier is going away, to be replaced with this little beauty in the link below (assuming Pottery Barn ever puts it on sale or gives me free shipping). And the walls are getting a nice steely blue paint job.

Ah the kitchen, the focus of so many labor-intensive hours so far. Both the fridge and stove have been scrubbed clean of their grime. And the ugly flourescent light falling out of the ceiling on the first day was a nice little surprise -- although I'm not sad to see it go, to be replaced by pretty bronze track lighting.

And finally the living room, also to be painted a steely blue, with these amazing chocolate brown polka dot drapes (see link below).

So, there you have it. The good, the bad, and the UGLY. But soon enough, it will all be pretty. :)

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